JTEIN: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia 2024-04-01T07:10:14+00:00 Syaiful Islami Open Journal Systems JTEIN: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Indonesia Borax Detection Tool in Foodstuffs Using Color Recognition Detection Method on HuskyLens Camera 2024-02-18T14:44:41+00:00 Emil Hani Asyani Oriza Candra Emilham Mirshad Elsa Yolarita <p>The use of Borax as a food additive has adverse effects on public health. In an effort to prevent contaminated foodstuffs from becoming public consumption and to detect this contamination quickly and effectively, this research proposes the design of an Internet of Things (IoT)-based borax detection tool using color recognition technology from the HuskyLens Camera. This tool is designed to detect the presence of borax in food with high accuracy and in a short time. This research uses the HuskyLens Camera as a sensor that is sensitive to the target contaminant, and the data obtained from this sensor is transmitted through the IoT network to the MIT App Inventor platform. Optimized detection methods and data processing algorithms are used to accurately interpret the sensor results, providing authorities with immediate information on the safety status of the tested foodstuffs. Experimental test results show that the proposed detection tool has good performance in detecting borax in various types of foodstuffs. It provides an efficient and reliable solution to the challenge of food contamination. With the integration of IoT technology, the detector is able to provide real-time information to authorities, potentially raising awareness about overall food safety. Thus, the design of this IoT-based borax detector has great potential to overcome the problem of food contamination and make a significant contribution to maintaining public health.</p> 2024-02-09T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Linear Potentiometer Sensor-Based of Athlete Flexibility Measurement Tool 2024-02-18T14:44:45+00:00 Dzihan Khilmi Ayu Firdausi Muhammad Eka Mardyansyah Simbolon Indra Dwisaputra Catur Pebriandani <p><em>This study aims to develop a novel "sit and reach test" flexometer device utilizing a linear potentiometer sensor to quantitatively evaluate an individual's body flexibility. The innovation in this research lies in the utilization of electronic means to measure flexibility, replacing conventional manual methods. The device employs a linear potentiometer sensor that translates analog voltage into a digital value (ADC) and subsequently converts the digital data into distance measurements in centimeters (cm). The processed data, representing the distance measurements, is wirelessly transmitted to a personal computer (PC) for automatic capture and analysis. The design considerations prioritize modernity, practicality, effectiveness, and efficiency. The experimental outcomes demonstrate the efficacy of the developed tool. The readings from the linear potentiometer sensor exhibit a high linearity, indicated by an R2 value of 0.9999. The average error percentage is minimal, measuring at 0.17%. Moreover, the device allows for direct wireless transmission of data to a PC immediately after assessing an athlete's flexibility. This study not only introduces a novel electronic approach for assessing body flexibility but also validates its accuracy and efficiency through comprehensive testing and analysis.</em></p> 2024-01-11T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemodelan Sistem Monitoring dan Kontrol Kadar Gas Amonia pada Kandang Ayam sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kesehatan dan Kualitas 2024-02-19T02:07:20+00:00 Riska Nur Wakidah Siti Zaenab Nurul Haq Yeremia Agus Andrianto Annisa Maulidia Damayanti <p>The success of a broiler chicken business is determined by the harvest results obtained. A good cage and chicken care system can maximize the harvest that will be obtained. The ideal chicken coop is one that has air quality, temperature and humidity that comply with the provisions. Detecting levels of ammonia gas and other gases that are harmful to chickens can be done using an air quality detector. However, what is becoming an obstacle for breeders is that the price of the detector equipment is quite expensive. So a more economical and efficient ammonia gas detection system is needed. In this research, a system for detecting temperature, humidity and ammonia gas levels was created which can be monitored remotely. This research starts from analysis, design, implementation and continues with evaluation. From the research results it was found that the control system can work well, if the ammonia gas level is high then the blower will be ON, and if the ammonia gas has reached the ideal value then the blower will be Off. And when the cage temperature is lower than specified, the incandescent lamp will be on, and vice versa. Apart from that, measured parameters can be displayed on the IoT (Internet of Things) system so that it can increase the efficiency of farmer performance.</p> 2024-02-19T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Rancang Bangun Sistem Penyiraman Otomatis pada Tanaman Sawi dengan Sistem Irigasi Tetes untuk Lahan Pertanian Lereng Gunung Ungaran 2024-02-22T06:54:01+00:00 Muchammad Adib Awaludin Aryo Baskoro Utomo <p>Cultivating mustard greens requires maintaining the ideal soil moisture level within the range of 50% to 70% Relative Humidity (RH). To fulfill water requirements and preserve soil moisture, irrigation processes are essential. Historically, farmers have employed manual irrigation methods, such as flooding entire agricultural fields, leading to water wastage and requiring significant labor. This research aims to develop an automated irrigation system based on soil conditions to assist farmers in the irrigation process. The automated irrigation system operates by responding to soil conditions. It initiates irrigation when the soil is dry and automatically ceases when the soil becomes adequately moist. This system utilizes Arduino as the central control unit, soil moisture sensors as input devices, an LCD for monitoring, and a water pump for distributing water to the agricultural fields through drip irrigation. The research methodology follows engineering design principles and encompasses three stages: design, installation, and implementation. The design phase involves creating the system, programming, and designing the drip irrigation system. Installation entails assembling the components of the automated irrigation system, while implementation involves deploying the system in agricultural fields and conducting tests. The research findings indicate that the automated irrigation system effectively irrigates when soil moisture falls below 50% and halts when it reaches 70%. Calibration tests reveal a 2% variance between the capacitive soil moisture sensor and the Soil Moisture Meter. The water requirement for a single mustard greens plant to reach the ideal soil moisture level (50-70% RH) is approximately 150 ml.</p> 2024-02-22T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Rancang Bangun Alat Pendeteksi Kadar Alkohol Melalui Media Uap Berbasis Mikrokontroler 2024-02-23T02:53:48+00:00 Muhammad Rajhiv Naufal Hansi Effendi Hambali Hambali Elfizon Elfizon <p>Penggunaan alkohol sebagai pelarut pada parfum menimbulkan perdebatan tentang kehalalan produk parfum dalam agama islam. Sebagian masyarakat Muslim yang lain menganggap bahwa parfum beralkohol halal dipakai jika kadar alkoholnya tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak mengganggu kesehatan pemakainya dan juga orang-orang di sekitar yang mencium aroma wangi parfum tersebut. Tujuan pembuatan tugas akhir ini adalah membuat alat ukur yang dapat mendeteksi persentase alkohol pada &nbsp;parfum menggunakan sensor MQ3 untuk mempermudah pengguna dalam pemilihan parfum sesuai kadar alkohol yang diinginkan. Alat ini dirancang dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler Arduino yang dapat memonitoring kadar alcohol dalam parfum dan menampilkan persentasenya melalui LCD Oled serta memberikan informasi berupa suara melalui speaker. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah telah dibuat alat yang dapat mendeteksi kadar alcohol pada parfum untuk mempermudah pengguna dalam pemilihan parfum sesuai kadar alcohol yang diinginkan. Sensor MQ-3 sebagai pendeteksi kadar alcohol berupa data ADC yang telah dikategorikan nilainya berdasarkan 4 kategori yaitu kadar alcohol rendah, sedang, tinggi, dan tidak ada.</p> 2024-02-23T02:53:47+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Rancang Bangun Sistem Pelacakan Musuh Pada Senjata Penjaga Otomatis SS2 Berbasis Background Subtraction 2024-02-26T01:31:57+00:00 Riky Radianto Mokhamad Syafaat Dekki Widiatmoko Rafi Maulana Alfarizi Kasiyanto Kasiyanto <p>Penelitian ini membahas tentang posisi ke-13 Indonesia dalam peringkat kekuatan militer global dan menyoroti tingginya tingkat konflik bersenjata di wilayah Papua, terutama akibat aktivitas Kelompok Kriminal Bersenjata (KKB). Dalam konteks ini, kekurangan teknologi di pos militer, khususnya dalam mengantisipasi serangan KKB, menjadi perhatian utama. Sebagai solusi, peneliti mengusulkan penggunaan robot sebagai alat untuk mendeteksi dan mengantisipasi pergerakan KKB yang mengancam pos militer. Robot yang diusulkan dilengkapi dengan senjata SS2 dan kamera untuk melacak pergerakan individu yang mendekati pos militer. Sistem pelacakan menggunakan teknik Background Subtraction. Komponen-komponen utama robot mencakup Motor DC, Driver Motor, Kamera Logitech C920, Baterai Lipo 12 Volt 2200 mAh, Step down, Step Up, Raspberry Pi 4B+, Video Sender dan Receiver, LCD Monitor, serta Aki 12 V 9Ah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem pelacakan pada robot penjaga berhasil diimplementasikan dan berfungsi dengan baik menggunakan teknik pengurangan latar belakang. Pergerakan robot menuju senjata menghasilkan penundaan rata-rata selama 1 detik. Jangkauan yang paling efektif antara kamera dan objek musuh atau teman terjadi pada jarak 2 hingga 12 meter. Kemampuan deteksi objek paling buruk diamati pada kondisi cahaya nol Lux.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Prediksi Kebutuhan Energi Listrik 25 Tahun Mendatang di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta 2024-02-26T01:38:59+00:00 Wayan Suparta Dulhadi Dulhadi Achmad Badawi <table width="643"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="451"> <p>Meningkatnya kebutuhan energi listrik di wilayah Kabupaten Gunung Kidul disebabkan oleh tumbuhnya industri dan pariwisata seperti perumahan, kafe, dan mulai dibangunnya pabrik-pabrik baru. Untuk mengantisipasi keadaan tersebut, penelitian ini diawali dengan menganalisis bagaimana pasokan energi listrik hingga 25 tahun ke depan dapat terpenuhi. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi linier yang memperhitungkan pertumbuhan beban daya listrik pada kategori beban sosial, rumah tangga, dunia usaha, industri dan pariwisata dengan menggunakan data tahun 2019-2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2046, kebutuhan listrik akan mencapai 103.521 MVA dimana kebutuhan energi listrik harian sebesar 2.112 GWH dengan rata-rata pertumbuhan tahunan sekitar 1,8%. Artinya, dalam 25 tahun ke depan perlu adanya peningkatan daya listrik sebesar 31.521 MVA dibandingkan saat ini.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Rancang Bangun Monitoring Kadar Udara Berbasis Mikrokontroler Menggunakan Whatsapp 2024-02-26T01:44:35+00:00 Yuda Alferinanda Elfizon Elfizon <p>Udara bersih atau udara segar menjadi hal yang diinginkan dalam beraktifitas, baik di dalam ruangan maupun di luar ruangan. Namun, seiring berkembangnya zaman pencemaran udara semakin meningkat. Oleh sebab itu dibuatlah sebuah alat yang bertujuan untuk memonitoring kadar udara. Alat ini digunakan &nbsp;untuk mengetahui kadar Nitrogen Dioksida(NO2), Sulfur Dioksida (SO2) dan Karbon Monoksida (CO). Alat ini menggunakan mikrokontroler Wemos ESP32 Uno sebagai pusat kontrol kerja alat dan modul wifi sebagai kontroler jaringan. Input dari alat ini yaitu sensor MQ135 berfungsi mendeteksi kadar NO2 dan SO2, sensor MQ9 untuk mendeteksi kadar CO. Output alat ini adalah LCD dan WhatsApp berfungsi untuk menampilkan status udara, kadar NO2, SO2 serta CO, menggunakan LED sebagai indikator dan Buzzer sebagai alarm<strong>.</strong> Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dan analisa menunjukkan bahwa alat bekerja dengan baik merespon setiap perbedaan data sensor yang terdeteksi dan menampilkan status udara, kadar gas pada LCD dan Whatsapp. Hasil tampilan jika dibawah 500 ppm maka kondisi udara baik, jika nilai di antara 500 – 1000 ppm maka kondisi udara tidak baik dan jika berada di atas 1000 ppm maka kondisi udara buruk.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Rancang Bangun Pintu Air Otomatis Berbasis Arduino dan Monitoring Menggunakan Android 2024-02-26T02:38:51+00:00 M.Riski Arif Fathana Riki Mukhaiyar <p>Bendungan merupakan suatu tempat yang dibuat untuk tujuan menampung air dengan volume yang&nbsp; besar dan di kontrol oleh manusia, karena itu bendungan saat ini memiliki fungsi yang sangat baik di daerah yang aliran air sungai nya besar dan curah hujann yang cukup tinggi, disamping itu bendungan juga bermanfaat dalam mengontrol aliran air di persawahaan yang ada di perdesaan. Saat ini sering terjadi <em>human er</em><em>ror </em>pada petugas yang mengontrol kapan pintu air bendungan di buka dan juga saat pengontrolan ketinggian air. Penelitian pada skripsi ini berisikan tentang rancangan pintu air otomatis berbasis arduino dan monitoring menggunakan android. Prototype ini akan di rancang dengan bentuk yang menyerupai seperti bendungan. Fitur yang tedapat dalam prototype tersebut antara lain arduino sebagai kontroler dan blyink sebagai pengntrol ketinggian air dan membuka pintu air pada prototype dari jarak jauh melalui android. Bersdasarkan hal tersebut, dibuatlah rancangan prototype pintu air otomatis berbasis arduino dengan sensor ultrasonik yang mengukur ketinggian air dan motor Dc sebagai penggerak pembuka pintu air secara otomatis melalui android. Sehingga ketika diterapkan dapat mengurangi kelalaian dan human eror dari petugas penjaga bendungan kedepannya.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Design And Construction Of An Automatic Sluice Control System On Dams 2024-02-26T02:44:05+00:00 Muhamad Husni Oriza Candra <p>Pada bendungan-bendungan yang sudah ada, digunakan pintu air untuk mengatur banyaknya air dalam bendugan itu. Pintu air dikendalikan oleh manusia yang bertugas menjaga supaya air dalam bendungan tetap stabil. Dalam hal ini tidak melebihi batas yang sudah ada. Oleh karena itu, petugas penjaga pintu air harus siap siaga setiap saat. Alat ini berguna sebagai pengganti tenaga manusia. Dengan pernyataan semakin berkembangnya teknologi yang canggih, dengan mengkombinasikan antara aurduiono nano dengan motor dc sebagai pengangkat pintu air. Pengendali pintu air &nbsp;ini bekerja secara otomatis. Sensor ultrasonik ping mendeteksi ketinggian air dan diolah oleh aurduiono nano lalu data berupa ketinggian air yang dideteksi akan ditampilkan pada layar LCD. Sedangkan buzzer sebagai tanda apabila air melebihi ketinggian 5 cm dan buzzer akan berbunyi.. Untuk dapat membuka dan menutup pintu air digunakan motor DC. Setelah dilakukan pengujian alat maka diperoleh hasil bahwa alat dapat bekerja dengan baik sesuai dengan perancangannya dan mengendalikan pintu air secara otomatis sesuai dengan data ketinggian air yang telah diinputkan pada program yaitu &lt;= 2 cm dengan keadaan AMAN, 3-5 cm dengan keadaan NORMAL dan &gt;5 cm dengan keadaan WASPADA. Pada saat keadaan WASPADA&nbsp; buzzer akan aktif maka pintu air akan terbuka secara otomatis dan akan tertutup jika ketinggian air &lt;= 2cm dengan keadaan&nbsp; AMAN.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) In Heart Rate Measurement Tool 2024-02-26T03:00:14+00:00 Mutia Zhafira Juli Sardi <p>The heart is one of the vital organs that plays an important role. Checking the condition of the heart is done by measuring the heart rate to find out whether it is beating normally or not as a first step to prevent heart disease. Therefore, this research aims to create an IoT-based heart rate monitor that is easy to use at any time. This research consists of making hardware which includes ESP32-C3, MAX30102 heart rate sensor, Beitian Bn-220 gps, 96''oled display and buzzer and software which includes Arduino IDE as system coding and platform as a medium for receiving and storing sensor data to facilitate a monitoring process. After testing, it was found that the average error of the MAX30102 heart rate sensor was 1.02%, and the difference between the distance of the coordinate points obtained by the Beitian gps with google maps was 3.79 metres indoors and 3.17 metres outdoors. Heart rate data and location points can also be stored in real time on and alerts can be received within 2 to 5 seconds. The results show that the system is working in line with the desired objectives.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Water PH Monitoring and Control System in Aquariums Based on Internet of Things 2024-02-26T03:14:10+00:00 Rifaldi Adry Oriza Candra <p>Indonesia is one of the countries that has the richest biodiversity in the world&nbsp; such as the diversity of fish species, so many people use them to keep at home as ornamental fish. However, keeping fish with various activities outside the house can result in uncontrolled fish feeding, when excessive feed is given it can affect the environment of the aquarium where the fish are kept, namely the pH value of the water. Based on this, a tool was created that can monitor the pH of aquarium water which is equipped with a control system. Taking advantage of technological advances in this era, monitoring can be done on smartphones via the WhatsApp application. The microcontroller used ESP 32, is equipped with a Wifi module for internet access, so that it can store cloud-based water pH value reading data on the twilio web. Control will be carried out with the aim of maintaining the pH value of the water in the aquarium, namely if the reading results of the pH value are not at a value of 6-8. When the pH value is too low, a liquid that can increase the pH value will be pumped into the aquarium. The same thing will be done when the pH value is high, liquid to lower the pH value will be pumped into the aquarium.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pendeteksian warna dengan image processing menggunakan model warna HSB 2024-02-26T03:34:45+00:00 Tri Nur Arifin Ganjar Febriyani Pratiwi Syaeful Ilman <p>Pada pengolahan citra terdapat banyak model-model warna yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pendeteksian warna, salah satunya yaitu model warna HSB. Tujuan dari dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai setiap variabel HSB dari objek-objek warna yang dideteksi menggunakan kamera, baik&nbsp; di dalam ruangan maupun di luar ruangan yang memiliki pencahayaan yang berbeda. Metode yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini, yaitu melakukan literasi tentang pengolahan citra (<em>image processing</em>) dan model warna HSB. Lalu ketika literasi sudah cukup, maka dilakukan perancangan perangkat lunak (<em>software</em>) agar citra dapat di olah. Lalu ketika perancangan perangkat lunak telah selesai, maka dilakukan penerapan pada kamera dan ujicoba. Hasil ujicoba di luar ruangan dan di dalam ruangan memiliki selisih nilai, yaitu pada nilai H (<em>Hue</em>) objek warna merah selisihnya 2,05 (0,8%), objek warna biru selisihnya 0,77 (0,3%) dan warna ungu selisihnya 3,67 (1,4%). Pada nilai S (<em>Saturation</em>) objek warna merah selisihnya 47 (18,43%), objek warna objek biru selisihnya 32,15 (12,61%) dan warna ungu selisihnya 2,33 (0,91%). Pada nilai B (<em>Brightness</em>) objek warna biru selisihnya 34 (13,33%) dan objek warna ungu selisihnya 36 (14,12%), namun objek warna merah tidak ada selisih nilai. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa model warna HSB waluapun pencahayaannya berbeda tetap dapat mendeteksi katagori warna yang sama dengan selisih nilai H (<em>Hue</em>) kurang dari 1,5%, namun pencahayaan berpengaruh pada ketajaman dan kecerahan objek warna dengan selisih nilai S (<em>Saturation</em>) dan nilai B (<em>Brightness</em>) kurang dari 20%.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Design Training Kit STM32F1 ARM Cortex on Microprocessor and Microcontroller System 2024-02-26T03:43:21+00:00 Junaidi Akbar Amin Suyitno Jacob Febryadi Nithanel Dethan <p>Along with the plan of the Electrical Engineering study program for laboratory development, especially the control system laboratory, the teaching team also prepares itself to make a laboratory development plan by multiplying practicum modules accompanied by training kits. To answer these problems, one of them is conducting laboratory-based research. The research conducted in the form of design of STM32F1 ARM Cortex training kit is used to learn the basic knowledge of using microprocessor and microcontroller system applications with its implementation in the form of I/O (Input/Output), LCD Interface (Liquid Crystal Display), HC-SR04 sensor to measure and detect an object, DHT11 Sensor to measure temperature, humidity and Thermostat, ADC (Analog Digital Converter) 12 Bit, PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) on Duty Cycle, RTC (Real Time Clock) for Digital Clock and Alarm. The results showed that the C/C++ program created using the STM32CubeIDE application for implementation consisting of 10 experiments ran successfully on the microprocessor and microcontroller system. So that the STM32F1 ARM Cortex Training Kit can be used in learning microprocessor and microcontroller system practicum.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Facial Expression Detector While Driving 2024-02-26T03:52:15+00:00 Indah Dara Wefa Riki Mukhaiyar <p>Facial expression when a person is sleepy can be seen from eye behavior and facial behavior. To detect the driver's drowsiness, facial expression is a form of non-verbal communication that results from one or more facial muscle movements that can indicate a person's emotional state. This detector works automatically when the system runs without external control. The system is controlled only via the desktop using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method. The working principle of this tool is to start by connecting the power when the system and the Desktop are turned on, then activate the Open CV software created on the desktop and continue testing to recognize the driver's face. If the detected face has a sleepy expression, the device will show the driver's drowsiness through the speaker and warn the driver to be careful when driving. The test results show that the system can detect drowsiness optimally. With the existence of this tool, it is hoped that it can reduce the death rate due to traffic accidents by preventing the driver from experiencing the sleep phase while driving.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Solar Energy Potential In Regulating Pond Hydroelectric Power Plant Renun Using Helioscope 2024-02-26T04:04:47+00:00 Gatot Mochamad Muchtar Purnama Helena Hutabarat <p>The availability of fossil fuels is increasingly depleting and environmental problems resulting from burning fossil fuels have an impact on environmental problems in the global region, so that efforts are needed to promote alternative energy sources called renewable energy. The Renun Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) is one of the power plants located in Sidikalang which is very suitable for use as a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) which is located in a very large pool and because the Control Pool does not require excavation. for installation and more stable. By using the Helioscope software, the results were obtained in the form of solar panels used in floating PLTS on a pound controller totaling 20,441 solar panels with a Polycristaline model with a power of 300 Wp with the Blue Sun Solar Energy BSM270-300P-60 (300W) type, with the resulting power being 6.12 MWp , The batteries in the PLTS consist of 275 series and 3.5 parallel units so that the total battery required is 1,100 JYC batteries type OPzV3000, and 9 ABB brand inverters type PVI 500 TL CN with a power of 560 kW with a voltage of 360 and the value obtained is the calculation using BMKG data is 308,177 kWh while using Helioscope Software is 489,659 kWh for monthly.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Otomasi Kontrol Pengisian Fluida Bertekanan Pada Mortir Latih 81 POLTEKAD 2024-02-26T04:15:26+00:00 Machmud Indra Permana Heri Setiawan Dedi Pradigdo Dekki Widiatmoko Mokhammad Syafaat <p>Pertahanan dan keamanan memegang peran krusial dalam kehidupan suatu negara. Pengembangan sistem senjata menjadi unsur integral untuk menjamin kehandalan dan efektivitas pertahanan. Mortir latih 81 Poltekad (Politeknik Angkatan Darat) memiliki peran vital dalam pelatihan militer, terutama dalam pengisian fluida bertekanan untuk operasionalnya. Pengisian gas secara manual pada mortir latih 81 Poltekad dapat menimbulkan beberapa aspek yang perlu diperhatikan. Salah satu kelemahan utamanya adalah potensi risiko keamanan yang muncul akibat campur tangan manusia dalam proses tersebut. Sistem manual dalam pengisian fluida gas dapat meningkatkan peluang kesalahan manusia, baik dalam mengukur jumlah fluida yang diisi maupun menangani peralatan pengisian. Kesalahan semacam itu dapat berakibat pada kerugian signifikan dan bahkan membawa risiko kecelakaan serius. Selain itu, proses manual cenderung memerlukan waktu lebih lama. Penelitian ini mencari solusi melalui eksplorasi otomasi kontrol pengisian fluida bertekanan pada mortir latih 81 Poltekad menggunakan sensor tekanan, aktuator dan kontroler mikroprosesor. Sistem ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan keamanan proses pengisian amunisi. Dengan tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengoptimalkan aliran fluida selama proses pengisian, mengurangi risiko kesalahan manusia, dan meningkatkan akurasi jumlah amunisi yang diisi. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan potensi sistem otomasi ini dalam meningkatkan kinerja dan keamanan pengisian fluida bertekanan pada mortir latih 81, memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap modernisasi dan efisiensi dalam latihan militer.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Designing of Goods Separation Conveyor using GM65 QR Code Scanner Sensor 2024-04-01T04:56:13+00:00 Izzatul Fitri Nadia Hambali Hambali <p>The sorting or separation process is crucial in the delivery of goods or packages, especially when viewed from the many regions in Indonesia. From the management system of separating goods which is generally still done manually, causing some goods to experience destination errors and delivery delays or commonly called Criss-Cross (CC). Delivery delays are also influenced by human error factors, so special tools are needed to separate goods based on the destination city of the goods, one of which uses a conveyor with a GM65 QR Code Scanner sensor. This sensor works based on commands from Arduino which has been programmed in such a way that it can control all inputs and outputs used in the system. In this system, the goods to be separated are made in the form of 3D mode boxes, where each box is affixed with a different QR code, namely A, B, and C. Each QR code represents the destination city of the goods to be separated, namely city A and city B, but for QR code C indicates data other than city A and city B which will be separated as foreign goods so that in this case it does not match any separation. After testing, the tool can work properly and obtain the results of separating goods in the form of a type of QR code that is read with the destination city of each item that has been separated.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Feasibility Study of Grounding Systems in the Dean's Building, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang 2024-02-26T04:39:19+00:00 Marta Hardiyanti Mursat Ta’ali Ta'ali <p>This research aims to see the level of feasibility of the existing grounding system in the Dean's Building, Faculty of Engineering, Padang State University. The quality of the grounding can be seen from the measurement results using an Earth Tester. This is intended to see how the grounding system is installed in the dean building. After that, a feasibility study will also be carried out on the value of grounding installed in all engineering faculty dean buildings. A good grounding value should be between 0 and 5 Ω. In this study, the grounding value was measured using the HIOKI FT6031 Earth Tester measuring instrument with a three-point measurement method. This measurement is used to see whether the grounding system installed in the engineering faculty dean building complies with PUIL or not. The results of the research carried out can show that based on ground resistance measurements carried out directly in the Dean's Building, Faculty of Engineering, Padang State University, the measured values ​​do not meet the PUIL 2011 requirements for network systems. Apart from that, there is also a difference in the voltage value between the grounding value on the panel box and the voltage value on the first to fourth floors of the engineering faculty dean's building which is caused by a poor installation system</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Goods Sorting Tool Based on Weight of Goods Using Arduino Nano 2024-02-26T04:45:24+00:00 Robi Irlanda Ihwan Oriza Candra <p>The use of conveyors with scales in industry as part of the quality control process has become an important requirement that increasingly dominates the manufacturing sector. Consistent product quality and accurate monitoring of weight or other parameters during production have become essential to meet stringent quality standards and customer expectations. Hence, many industries have prioritized investment in the manufacture of weighing conveyor. Scale-equipped conveyors enable continuous, real-time monitoring of product quality. Scales integrated on the conveyor enable quick identification of defective products or products that do not conform to standards. This helps in reducing the risk of defective products reaching the market and helps companies meet applicable industry standards. In addition, the use of conveyors with scales also improves production efficiency by avoiding error-prone manual work, thus supporting production cost control. This research uses a weight sensor that can double as a product count counter at each weight count set point. The weight set points are limited to 3 different types of product weight. After testing and analyzing the test results, it can be concluded that the tool can function properly which can classify 8 products per minute with 100% accuracy.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementation of Early Warning System on SMART VU SCADA PT PLN (Persero) With LED Warning Lights 2024-04-01T04:56:10+00:00 M . Fadil Mukhlidi Muskhir <p>Electric power distribution is a crucial element in meeting the needs of the community, especially in the workshop and electronic equipment repair sector. The transmission process aims to optimize efficiency and reduce power losses. PT PLN (Persero) UP2D SUMBAR has a high commitment in responding to the needs of the community, related to the distribution of electricity, especially in the 20 KV distribution network. Although it already uses two Early Warning Systems connected to SMART VU SCADA, the DCC room alarm sound is disabled to minimize noise. Therefore, this research focuses on implementing an additional Early Warning System with LED warning lights. The research methodology includes literature study, initial testing (Experimental Method), system design, hardware design, second testing (successful/unsuccessful), direct testing in the DCC room, and analysis of results. It is expected that this research can improve alarm notifications, speed up dispatcher response time, and increase vigilance in handling disturbances in the 20 KV distribution network.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Cycle Time Analysis Of AS/RS (Automated Storage & Retrieval System) Using SCADA 2024-02-26T06:54:44+00:00 Dadang Suriana Fahreza Risfendra Risfendra <p>AS/RS is not just a replacement for conventional warehouses, but has become a key element in modern manufacturing systems. However, in its use there are still problems and shortcomings, including the unavailability of a system that can control, supervise, and acquire data from AS/RS and the cycle time when AS/RS performs data storage and retrieval tasks is still below industry standards. To overcome this, a system that is generally called SCADA (Supervisory, Control, and Data Acquisition) is needed. This research uses Arduino Mega 2560 as an AS/RS controller, while the VTSCADA application is used to build a SCADA system on AS/RS. This research uses two approaches. First, calculating the AS/RS cycle time when performing storage and retrieval tasks. Second, comparing the cycle time of the storage system and the retrieval system. The first test results show that the fastest cycle time in the storage system occurs at storage rack point 1 with a time of 3.17 seconds, while the fastest cycle time in the retrieval system occurs at retrieval point 1 with a time of 12.74 seconds. The second test resulted in a difference in cycle time between the storage and retrieval systems, namely 0.42 seconds at storage point 1, 0.38 seconds at storage point 2, 0.51 seconds at storage point 3, 0.31 seconds at storage point 4, and 0.43 seconds at storage point 5. It can be concluded that the application of SCADA to AS/RS is able to increase the cycle time of AS/RS.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Face Recognition Door Security System and Contactless Bell 2024-02-26T07:55:39+00:00 Rini Irnayanti Elfizon Elfizon <p>Every human being wants to have a comfortable and safe home from various criminal acts, especially theft of valuables and crimes of assault or threats of violence. Therefore, home security is important for homeowners. In this case, a tool is made that aims to make a door security system using facial recognition biometrics and combining it with a contactless bell. Face recognition uses OpenCV based on an open source library to recognize faces in realtime using the Python programming language.&nbsp; This tool works by using a webcam that will be controlled by a raspberry pi 4 and arduino uno to match facial features to be detected and recognized. Arduino uno will be connected to the relay module to control the bell and selenoid doorlock to open automatically. After testing and analyzing the smart doorlock and contactless bell security system, it can be decided that this security system can work well in accordance with the design of the working principle and the results achieved according to the function and work of the tool.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The design of carbon monoxide gas control systems in rooms based on IoT 2024-04-01T04:56:11+00:00 Mohammad Raafi Jauhari Fivia Eliza Oriza Candra Riki Mukhaiyar <p>The increasing use of air-conditioned rooms in public entertainment venues but allowing visitors to smoke indoors makes some visitors feel uncomfortable. This final project aims to be able to design a carbon monoxide gas control device and carbon monoxide gas monitoring using IoT technology. The methodology for making this tool involves literature study methods in national journals and internet searches regarding projects that have been made before. Then identify problems in the field so that improvements can be made in tool design. In this tool, air content readings use the MQ-135 sensor to detect gas levels. Control uses the Ardiono Uno microcontroller as the data processing center, the ESP 8266 nodeMCU as the data sender to the application. From several experiments it was concluded that the tool operated as expected. It can be seen from the experimental data that the MQ-135 sensor works accurately in detecting the air quality levels in the room. It starts when the sensor detects air levels and then the reading results become input to start activating the relay for on/off the exhaust fan and also perfume, which will be active to neutralize the air in the room. The buzzer will activate when the reading value reaches the programmed gas level. The sensor reading value that is read will then appear on the LCD and also on the Blynk application.</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IoT fire detector with Telegram notification 2024-04-01T04:56:10+00:00 Agusriyanda Saputra Aswardi Aswardi <p>Fire is a disaster whose arrival cannot be predicted or can occur at anytime and anywhere. The impact is in the form of material loss and loss of life, therefore, there is a need for early detection and early prevention of fire. Technological advances that can be used in early detection efforts are the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT can connect electronic devices that can connect via the internet so that they can quickly provide data and information. Fire incidents can occur in public places or in residential areas. Therefore, a tool was created which aims to be able to design and monitor a fire extinguishing system using telegram via NRF24L01, phototransistor sensor and MQ2 smoke sensor with relay driver output and DC pump via Arduino as well as LCD, buzzer and ESP2866. The fire extinguishing system method uses telegram via NRF24L01, phototransistor sensor and MQ2 smoke sensor with relay driver output and DC pump via Arduino. As well as LCD, buzzer and ESP2866 activated via Wi-Fi using condition output from the phototransistor sensor and MQ2 smoke sensor via NRF24L01 in the form of real-time data which is active and if the NRF24L01 receives data it will activate the relay driver to turn on and off the dc pump and buzzer, after which the data is sent to the Telegram application. After testing and analyzing the fire extinguishing system, it can be concluded that the fire extinguishing system has been able to work properly.&nbsp;</p> 2024-02-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Designing a Nodemcu Based Fire Detection System Using Map and Telegram Applications 2024-04-01T04:56:09+00:00 Muhammad Fajar Juli Sardi <p>Fire is the emergence of a fire that is not controlled and is very difficult for humans to control, which results in a fatal impact in the form of material losses, namely property and human casualties. So in this study a fire detection system in a house or building based on NodeMCU ESP8266 and a map application using Iot that will work when the sensor detects a fire so that it can find the location where there is a fire so that it can find the location of the fire through the application. The system is built using Arduino type NodeMCU ESP2866 as a control center, fire sensor as a telegram application detector as a fire message sender and NEO-6 GPS module as a location tracker where the fire occurred. The output of this system is a fire information message on the system owner's number. The results of the research obtained are from the design and testing of the tool in general the system can work in accordance with the design of a fire detector using NodeMCU ESP8266, the designed system can send location coordinates in the form of (google Mapsi) or notification in the form of a fire warning to the homeowner through the telegram application and the system that has been designed can send information.</p> 2024-02-26T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Internet of Things (IoT) Based On Digital KWH Using Blynk Platform 2024-04-01T06:55:19+00:00 Muhamad Taufik Syaiful Islami Oriza Candra Hamdani Hamdani <p>Daily life cannot be separated from the use of electrical energy, such as in homes, which often cannot limit it. Accompanied by technological developments so that the internet can be used in everyday life, the concept of the Internet of Things emerged. This concept has been utilized so that it can help maximize the use of electrical energy. Using NodeMCU which has an ESP8266 Chip so it is able to connect to the internet. The Blynk platform is used for users as a tools to find out in real time the power and costs of using electrical energy. Limitations on electricity use can be set. When the electricity usage has reached the usage limit, the buzzer will turn on automatically as a warning. Another additional control that can be carried out is cutting off electricity which can be done remotely. Cutting off the electricity flow is carried out using a relay which is a switch that is operated using electricity.</p> 2024-04-01T06:55:17+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Smart Cashier with Self Service System at Supermarket 2024-04-01T07:10:14+00:00 Zakhimi Anan Sugiarta Mukhlidi Muskhir Afdal Luthfi <p>The increasing population growth in Indonesia also affects the need for a comfortable and safe shopping place. The increasing number of consumers at the same time causes lines, especially in the payment section. The purpose of this research is to try to develop a cashier with a self-service method to help speed up the payment process and reduce lines. This research uses a GM66 scanner to scan barcodes on product items to be purchased. While the 3200-DB TCS Sensor is used to detect the nominal money paid. Information on the price of goods that have been scanned is displayed on the LCD screen. After payment is complete, the shopping receipt will be printed. In the results of this study, a tool was obtained that can be used to automatically sum up the price of groceries. Additionally, this tool can also facilitate transactions for payment of groceries. However, in this study, the new payment transaction process can only use $50 bills, and there is no system for returning change.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##